Responsible Conduct of 
Research (RCR)

Office of Regulatory Research Compliance

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) is central to Howard University's mission and is an expectation of the research community at large. 

The Office of Regulatory Research Compliance is involved in RCR in a number of ways including investigations into allegations of research misconduct, and acting as a resource to the Howard University research community. 

The Associate Vice President for Research Compliance also serves as the Research Integrity Officer (RIO) for the university.esponsible Conduct of Research (RCR) is central to Howard University's mission and is an expectation of the research community at large. 

The Office of Regulatory Research Compliance is involved in RCR in a number of ways including investigations into allegations of research misconduct, and acting as a resource to the Howard University research community. 

The Associate Vice President for Research Compliance also serves as the Research Integrity Officer (RIO) for the university.

Training Resources

​The Office of Research Compliance offers a number of options for RCR training for those interested in fulfilling their RCR training requirements. These include both online and in person training options.

Online CITI RCR Training (Click the CITI page on this website for more information on the CITI.)

In Person RCR Training                                         

The Office of Research Compliance offers numerous in person training sessions a year on various topics related to RCR. The schedule for the sessions is: TBA

​RCR – Graduate School Workshop (FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS)

The Howard University Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training Workshop is designed to provide graduate students with information and training on research ethics and integrity. 

The objective of the RCR workshop is to discuss and provide knowledge-based tools to address the often complex issues which confront scholars during the course of their research careers. For more information, visit:

 RCR - Graduate School Workshop

National Science Foundation RCR Training Requirements 

On January 4, 2010 new requirements concerning the training and education of students (undergraduate and graduate) and Post Docs associated with NSF grants became effective. The new requirements were announced as part of the implementation of Section 7009 of the America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science (COMPETES) Act, and are a condition of NSF awards. The requirements call for:

"[A]t the time of proposal submission to NSF, a proposing institution's Authorized Organizational Representative [is required to] certify that the institution has a plan to provide appropriate training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers who will be supported by NSF to conduct research"


All Howard University undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postdoctoral researchers associated with an NSF grant proposal submitted on or after January 4, 2010 are required to take the RCR training module available at:

Howard University login is required to access the training material.

National Institutes of Health RCR Training Requirements

A new updated policy applicable to all new and renewal applications submitted on or after January 25, 2010 and all continuation applications with deadlines on or after January 1, 2011 went into effect on January 25, 2010.



The university has a range of policies related to RCR including:

  • Howard University Conflict of Interest Policy
  • Howard University Intellectual Property Policy
  • Howard University Scientific Misconduct Policy on  Research Misconduct

Howard University Fraud Hotline

Persons who suspect fraud, waste, abuse or mismanagement or who receive reports of fraud, waste, abuse or mismanagement should call, email, write to or visit the Office of the Internal Auditor (OIA). 

The Hotline phone number is (202) 238-2479 and is available to receive calls 24 hours a day. The email address is: 

[email protected]  

Written communications should be directed to:

Office of the Internal Auditor
2225 Georgia Avenue NW, Room 701
Washington, DC 20059

Persons who make allegations (complainants) may choose to remain anonymous (known only to OIA employees) or confidential (known to OIA employees and others who have a need to know,   in the opinion of the Internal Audit Director or Associate Director).

Persons who choose to remain anonymous must understand that the OIA may not be able to obtain sufficient information to properly, timely, and completely audit or investigate the allegation(s). 

The same situation may apply to confidential complainants, but to a lesser degree.

Office of Regulatory  Research Compliance 

Howard University
HU Research Bldg 1
1840 7th Street, NW
Suite 309
Washington, D.C. 20001

Phone: (202) 865-8597
Fax:     (202) 232-5286

ORRC is located directly across  from the Howard University        Shaw Metro on 7th Seventh St.(Georgia Ave) on the third floor       of  the Howard University    Research Building-1.